Lost & Found

  • For items lost on an aircraft, please contact your airline.
  • For items lost in a rental car, please contact the rental car company
  • If your item was lost at the Airport or TSA Checkpoint, please complete a Lost Item Report and you will be notified by the Des Moines Airport Authority if the item is found.   

Des Moines Airport Authority Rules for Found Items:

  • The following items will be disposed of immediately: food and beverage items; all items that have a foul odor; all items related to vaping and smoking; and items deemed to be unsanitary. 
  • Items which are deemed to have been clearly abandoned will be considered as such and disposed of by Des Moines Airport Authority personnel immediately. 
  • Any items which could be designated as weapons or drugs will be turned over to the Des Moines Police Department.
  • Items that have been turned in to the Des Moines Airport Authority (other than those stated above) will be kept for 60 days from when they are found. 
  • The Des Moines Airport Authority is not responsible for any damages to the item or shipping charges incurred in sending the item to the rightful owner.